Friday, October 12, 2007

"This one goes to 11"

That famous line from Spinal Tap (listen) couldn't be more fitting at the moment. That's right - in just a few short days we'll officially release BrowserHawk 11.

Its especially gratifying to see all the hard work our team has invested over the past year come together so nicely, and I'm both proud and excited to share with you some highlights on this major release.

With each version of BrowserHawk I've had my personal favorite new feature. Looking back to BH 9.0 in 2005 it was Automatic Session Caching (ASC). With BH 10.0 in 2006 it was Page Load Time (PLT). And this year, hands down it's our Rules Enforcement Technology (RET).  Say - what's with all these Three Letter Acronyms (TLAs) anyway? : )

RET is BrowserHawk's "killer-app". It greatly reduces the time and coding effort needed to ensure every visitor meets your site's minimum system requirements. In fact, it simplifies things so much, that what used to take days or weeks for our customers to implement is now accomplished with just 3 mouse clicks - watch this! Other video tutorials are also available.

I want to personally thank all our beta testers that helped us shape, test and refine RET. This has been on our product road-map for quite some time, and believe me its an understatement to say we are thrilled to deliver this powerful and exciting new technology to you.

We've also made several other big changes and enhancements in BH 11, including:
  • full support for installation and use on Windows Vista
  • native 64 bit support for use under x64 operating systems
  • automatic logging of all JavaScript errors on your site
  • the new cyScape Update Service (replaces BDF Service)
  • detection of the Microsoft Silverlight plug-in
  • several new examples that demonstrate PLT and RET
  • expanded and improved documentation
  • and lots more.
Oh - and one other thing I'm sure you'll be delighted with - effective with the release of BH 11, developer licenses will now be included at no charge with the purchase of one or more production licenses.

I hope you are as excited about BH 11 as we are. Please post a comment to share your thoughts. What features are you most interested in? What would you like to see added? Will the no-cost development licenses add flexibility to the way you work with BH? Your feedback is very important to us. I look forward to hearing from you.

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